Sunday 9 November 2008

Film Synopsis Research

We have been researching film synopsises for thriller films in order to give ideas on how to write a synopsis for our film. We researched three films and we now ave a clearer understanding of the different techniques we need to use and what we should include.

28 days later…
"A virus that locks those infected into a permanent state of killing rage, is accidentally released from a British research facility. Carried by animals and humans, the virus is impossible to contain, and spreads across the entire planet. Twenty-eight days later, a small group of survivors are trapped in London, caught in a desperate struggle to protect themselves from the infected. As they attempt to salvage a future from the apocalypse, they find that their most deadly enemy is not the virus, but other survivors."

London to Brighton
"London, the present, 3.07am. Twenty-five-year-old prostitute Kelly and 11-year old runaway Joanne hide in a public lavatory following an evidently violent and terrifying encounter. Kelly decides to go to Brighton to hide out with her friend Karen, and offers to take Joanne with her. She raises the train fare by servicing a passing kerb-crawler. At daybreak, Kelly's pimp, Derek, is ordered to see gangster Stuart. The latter's father, Duncan, has been found murdered, and Derek is the only lead. Derek's leg is slashed open as a hint of what will happen if he fails to find Kelly and Joanne. Derek had previously asked Kelly to procure a very young girl for Duncan, and Joanne had been spotted begging outside Waterloo Station. In Brighton, the girls find Karen's house, and Kelly leaves her mobile phone there when going out to raise more money. When Derek rings, Karen's housemate betrays Joanne and Kelly's whereabouts. Derek and his sidekick, Chum, drive to Brighton, and take Kelly and Joanne hostage. As night falls, Stuart arrives with his henchman, and orders Derek and Chum to drive to a deserted field with the girls in the boot. While Derek and Chum dig a grave, Stuart interrogates Joanne in his car. She tearfully confesses that she stabbed Duncan with the knife that he threatened her with after tying her to his bed. Disgusted, Stuart has Derek and Chum shot dead. Kelly accompanies Joanne to the home of the girl's grandmother in Devon, and watches them embrace - but from a distance."

From Russia With Love
"SPECTRE, an international crime syndicate, devises a plot to discredit and kill British Secret Service Agent James Bond. Rosa Klebb, former head of the Russian secret service organization, has defected to SPECTRE, but her defection is known only to a few top men in the Soviet government. As one of the masterminds of the plot, Rosa goes to Istanbul and contacts Tatiana Romanova, a beautiful cipher clerk in the Russian embassy. She orders Tatiana to offer to help the British steal the Lektor, a valuable Russian coding machine, if James Bond will help her defect to the West. Meanwhile, a SPECTRE agent is in Istanbul with instructions to murder Bond. Russian agents are following him, too, but with the aid of Kerim Bey, a wily Turk whom he contacts upon arriving in Istanbul, Bond manages to foil several attempts on his life. Bond and Tatiana, working on plans to steal the Lektor, escape from Istanbul on the Orient Express headed for the West. SPECTRE agent Red Grant and Russian agent Benz are also on board the train and independently plan to kill Bond and steal the Lektor. Both Kerim Bey and Benz are killed; and Grant, overhearing Bond's request for another British agent to help him, meets the designated man at the next stop, kills him, and takes his place. Grant drugs Tatiana and overpowers Bond, but Bond triumphs when an attaché case explodes, enabling the two to leave the train. Bond then forces a pursuing SPECTRE helicopter to crash and sets the sea on fire to escape from oncoming powerboats. The two arrive in the apparent safety of Venice, but Rosa Klebb enters Bond's hotel room disguised as a maid and tries to kill him with a poisonous switchblade concealed in the toe of her shoe. Tatiana by now in love with Bond, shoots Rosa, and the Lektor is safely sent to England. Bond remains in Venice with Tatiana."

Key events that tend to happen within each of these synopsis is that they start with an unbalance in the film or problem for example in london to Brighton, both main characters are seen on the run. In the film from Russia With love, we see that the company 'SPECTRE' want to kill the agent james bond. And in 28 Days later, there is a virus that is unleashed in the city of london. Ideas that we will take from this is possibly starting out film with a problem i.e. because our film is based around someone being kidnapped, we will begin with the character being kidnapped and then the events that follow in the rest of the film  (aftermath).

1 comment:

Media Studies at Gunnersbury with Mr Hobbs said...
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