Monday 10 November 2008

Conventions of The Thriller Genre

The Conventions of the Thriller Genre
This area of research shows the typical devices, plot lines and characters that are typically used in thriller films.

What is a Thriller?
A thriller is usually something that creates tension. Within the text, there are plots to the twist of the story and there can be aspects of horror involved. A thriller should create question for the audience and also an sense of enigma (mystery) for the audience. A thriller should leave a chilling atmosphere and leave the audience feeling on edge.
Also there is an overlap with the mystery. However, thrillers are based around the hero thwarting the enemy rather than rather uncovering or solving an existing crime.

The difference between Horror and Thriller
These two genres have commonly been mistaken. For example if we look at the michael jackson video for his song 'Thriller' , it is branded as horror due to use of zombies which is often refered to as a sub-genre of horror. The horror genre tends to be more graphic making the audience feel more disgust rather than suspense or tension which is what the thriller genre does. The thriller genre should have the audience on the edge of their seats as the plot builds towards and intense climax.

Characters in Thrillers
Usually the main characters are often placed in menacing situations from which trying to escape seems impossible. Other characters include...
  • Ordinary People- Often ordinary people tend to be innocent and end up in bad circumstances in which escape seems impossible.

  • Damsel in Distress-

  • Femme Fatale- A female fatale is an alluring and seductive woman whose charm ensnares her lovers in bonds of irresistable desire often being led into dangerous or complicated situations.

  • Stalkers

  • Assasins

  • Police

  • Criminals/Fugatives

  • Characters that are involved within the government or politics for political thrillers.

The Common Themes used in Thrillers
The common themes that are used in thrillers are the plot lines. Many of these include..
  • Stalking/Voyenism

  • Mystery to be solved

  • Obessions

  • Espionage

  • Terrorism

  • Persuits

  • Dangerous Romantic liasons

  • Oppresive but unseen supernatural occurances

Common Cinematic techniques used in thriller films
Particular techniques are used in thrillers in order to create the tension and suspension that is required which is then leaving the audience feeling on edge due to what they see. Many of these techniques include...
  • Extreme zoom shots - Good for showing reactions and emotions. The extreme zoom shots get right in and shows the extreme detail. Can be used to show detail in which the human eye cannot usually see. or even to emphasize a key prop for dramatic effect.

  • Prolonged cross-cutting -

  • Quick of montage -

  • Use of Profile or silhouette -

  • Dolly zoom shots - A technique in which the camera moves closer or further from the subject while simultaneously adjusting the zoom angle to keep the object the same size in the frame. A very unnatural effect. It is used to create unease amongst the audience. One of the most famous examples of this was jaws.

  • Quick cutting - By quick cutting the film, it gives the thriller a faster pace and rythym which is what a normal thriller should do. For example, a car chase will have different and quick cuttings of each car chasing eachother and what happens. It is also with the use of elliptical editing that keeps the ryhtym and pace going however, makes it less realisitc and doesn't to keep to real timings.


Media Studies at Gunnersbury with Mr Hobbs said...

Looks good - check spelling of voyeurism under themes

Media Studies at Gunnersbury with Mr Hobbs said...

However this post is a bit out of sync - it would make more sense for it to appear earlie5r. Can you move it at all?